URL Encoder

Online URL Safe Encoder

What is URL Encoding?

URL encoding, also known as percent-encoding, is a mechanism for encoding special characters in a URL. This is necessary because some characters, such as spaces and certain punctuation marks, are not allowed in URLs and can cause the URL to not function correctly.

URL encoding works by replacing certain characters with their corresponding ASCII hexadecimal value, preceded by the percent sign '%'. For example, the space character is encoded as '%20'.

One of the main use cases for URL encoding is in the formation of a valid URL. URLs can only include a limited set of characters, and any characters that are not part of this set need to be encoded. This ensures that the URL is correctly interpreted by the server and the browser, and that it points to the correct resource.

Another use case for URL encoding is in sending form data to a server. Forms on web pages often include special characters, such as spaces or punctuation marks, that are not allowed in URLs. To avoid issues with these characters, the data is encoded before it is sent to the server.

Another use case is in passing parameters and values to server, using GET request. Some of these parameters may include special characters, and URL encoding these characters ensure that the server can understand the request correctly.

URL encoding is also used in cookies for preserving special characters in a cookie value. Some characters in cookie values are not allowed and can cause issues with the cookie, URL encoding these characters solves the problem

URL encoding is also used in OAuth and OpenID Connect protocols to encode special characters in redirect URIs and other parameter values.

It's worth noting that certain characters, like /, ?, :, @, &, =, +, $, #, should not be encoded, as they have special meanings in URLs, and may lead to unexpected results when they are encoded.

Generate MD5 In Programming Language?

MD5 Using Apache Commons

String encoded = URLEncoder.encode(input, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.toString());

string encoded = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(input);

$input = "input";
echo urlencode($input);

Include crypto-js library and the MD5 plugin

var encoded = encodeURIComponent(input);